MODULE 1 K. Jane Watt, PhD, Historian Topic: Contemplative Practice of Writing
MODULE 2 Bruce Baugh, PhD, Philosopher Topic: Philosophy and Place
MODULE 3 Ila Crawford, MFA, BSW Artist Topic: The Flaneur: A strategy to make art
MODULE 4 Allison Rennie, MFA, Animateur Topic: Shaped by Story: Spirituality, Art and Place. Link for
STAND ALONE LECTURE: Ken Christian, Mayor of Kamloops Topic: The importance of public art as a reflection of who we are
MODULE 5 Lyn Baldwin, PhD, Botanist Topic: Allying ourselves with plants rooted in place to mitigate the ongoing Anthropocene
MODULE 6 Kate Fagervik, Learning Strategist, Student Research and Public Engagement and Curator Topic: Cultural Mapping and Research
MODULE 7 Kim Naqvi, PhD, Geographer Topic: Culture in the everyday landscape
STAND ALONE LECTURE: Agnes Jackson, Director Grasslands Conservation Council of BC Topic: Napier Lake Ranch Conservation Area
Jane asked who we are in time
Bruce asked how we see ourselves here in the world
Allison asked how we are here in the spiritual sense
Ila asked us to really see the world from different perspectives
Lyn asked to ally with the green world
Kim asked us how we interact with the landscape
Kate asked us how we relate to our world as an artist
Ken asked how public art affects the community
Agnes asked how we can support and advocate for grasslands